Messy Vegan Cook

Free Recipe Card Templates : Floral Pop Printable Recipe Cards

example card

A lot of the work I do involves graphics and design, most of which ends up filtering over into my real, day-to-day life and its arrangements. That means I have all sorts of printed goodies laying around my flat, some of which is used (most of which is in the "really husband, I will do something with this stuff" pile). I made these free recipe card templates on a whim, thinking some of you might get a kick out of something bright, modern, and not a boring and typical 4x6 lined index card in your recipe catalogue. All of these cards are 4x6 inches, so will fit nicely in that aforementioned catalogue box thingie, or whatever it is you use (organised chaos, perhaps).

Now available in pdf format!

Based on feedback I wanted to both create a higher quality format and all the cards to be typed on for printing. The result is a pdf document, in which you can add your own text. Please be aware any text you type beyond the realm of the visible card will not show when printed. This seems like common sense but hey, you never know. You can type in and save this format to disk, too.

Download “Floral Pop 4x6 Recipe Cards” Floral-Pop-4x6-recipe-cards.pdf – Downloaded 10621 times – 84.25 KB
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