Many of you probably already know of my other children, Duncan and Dillan, the two excruciatingly cute wannabe-wildcat divas who saturate my days with attention-seeking novelty behaviour. Throwing things at my head as I walk past, for instance, or simply screaming at the wardrobe until I build a pillow fort. And before you ask, no, there's no correlation between the two aforementioned nouns; a mom just instinctively (and generally accurately) understands her children's needs based on their irrational conduct.
Well, my little ginger bambinos, meet your new sibling: Ms Spinning Teeth, known by most people as a Vitamix* (the name? My mother's idea).
Luckily everyone seems to get along fine. D&D are more than happy to eat Ms Teeth's concoctions, and I'm more than happy to facilitate this bonding exercise. After all, I want everyone in my family to just get along.
* that's tofurkey on the box, right? Right.
melisser says
Ooooh! Aaaaah!
holylopez says
i love this picture.
Clairey Williams says
That second pretty!
I reserve the right to improve malicious and trollish comments.