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Lapsang souchong and bitter orange soda

Bitter orange, known in Thai as som saa, has a deeply concentrated orange flavour as well as some bitterness. Paired with smoky black tea, it feels like drinking orange juice next to a campfire.
Servings: 1 glass


  • 1 47cl (16oz) glass


Brewed tea

  • 1 teabag lapsang souchong
  • 50 millilitres boiling water 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon

Per glass

  • Ice to fill a glass
  • 1 ½ tablespoons 1:1 sugar syrup
  • 1 tablespoon bitter orange juice (som saa)
  • 130 millilitres soda water
  • 40 millilitres brewed lapsang souchong tea


  • Brew the tea by steeping the tea bag in the boiling water and allow to cool. Squeeze the bag in your fist to extract as much concentrated liquid as possible.
  • Fill a glass with ice. To the brim! Add the bitter orange juice and sugar syrup.
  • Pour the soda in next, followed by the concentrated tea.


If you're not sure of the volume your drinkware holds, simply blend all of the ingredients except the ice in a jug, pour it into glass(es), and top with ice. You'll lose the layered visual effect, but if it saves time and eliminates stress, who cares?